09/07/05 |
Much of the text used in this web site was modified and compiled from
excerpts taken from other web sites. We would like to begin by
acknowledging these sites. Most of the pictures, part of the history and public-key encryption sections, most of the single-key encryption section, and the Vigenère Cipher in the interactive section came from a web site entitled "Cryptology" by Oliver Pell. Part of the history and public-key encryption sections came from the Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia. The identity-based encryption section came from Scott's computer security paper. The cryptograms in the interactive section came from the August 2005 Fun 'n Easy Crosswords magazine. Complete listing of sources “Cryptology.” American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. Enigma Applet. <http://homepages.tesco.net/~andycarlson/enigma/enigma_j.html> "Enigma Machine". Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine> Frode Weierud's Crypto Cellar. <http://frode.home.cern.ch/frode/crypto/> Fun 'n Easy Crosswords. Kappa Publications. August 2005. "IBE Secure E-mail.” <http://crypto.stanford.edu/ibe/> Long, Larry, and Nancy Long. Computers: Information Technology in Perspective, Twelfth Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2005. Pastore, Michael. “Gemplus Adds Identity-Based Encryption to Smart Cards.” Inside ID 2 Nov. 2004. <http://www.insideid.com/credentialing/article.php/3430291> Pell, Oliver. “Cryptology.” <http://www.ridex.co.uk/cryptology/> "Public-key". Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key> Voltage Security Website <http://www.voltage.com/technology/ibe.htm>
This site was last updated 09/07/05